Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Report that wouldn’t Come!

                By Brenton Hemelaar
Ok so its been 2 days since the CAGS "shock loss" to the Uni mates, and i have to admit fans, there is nothing good to report on! We played an absolute shocker! Then while sitting on the toilet contemplating the meaning of life, and such, a real "nugget" of an idea dropped into the lovely blue water of the toilet! A voice inside my head says "Forget about the report brenton, spread the good news instead." I pondered this though for a good 30 seconds before i came to realise just what i had to do!

So here it is boys this weeks report!

In the jungle one day, in a land far away the king was collecting his rent, all the animals came, rich or poor just the same from wherever the message was sent. But the crocodile green with his temper so mean said he wasted his money on games, So the king said “you’ll pay or in the dungeon you’ll stay eating spinach and burnt toast and brains” The croc said "No no! Not that please!" and fell down on his knees, so the kind king forgave him his debt. He sent him away, forgiven that day, and the croc said he'd never forget. But the crocodile green with his temper so mean found a monkey to take for a ride. "Pay me" he said "or I’ll eat you instead and I'll gobble you right up inside". The monkey cried out and his friends gave a shout so the king came a running to see. “He’s learnt nothing today so take him away let the poor little monkey go free” Now our father in heaven, through the son that he's given, forgives us of our sins and our debts. He expects us to not make a fuss, but like Jesus, forgive and forget.

Key to todays report:
King equals Richard the Umpire
Crocodile equals the Uni mates
Monkey equals the CAGS

Moral of the story: When the king (AKA Richard) Umpires a game the CAGs are playing, we are bound to loose! Its been set in stone and written about for many years! Dont ask me why it happens it just does!

Untill next week CAGGERS, over and out!

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